Stress can affect the body in many different ways. One source of stress that must be recognized is financial stress. What is Financial Stress? Financial stress is a type of stress that stems primarily from money issues. Common sources of financial stress include lack of income, very little in savings, high consumer (credit card) debt and student loans. Effects of
The Top Signs You’re Not Taking Care of Yourself
Posted onTaking care of ourselves should be a top priority, but many of us put our health and well-being on the back burner. Are you taking care of you? Here are the top signs you’re not taking care of yourself: 1. You’re frequently stressed out. Stress can be extremely hazardous to our health over time. Headaches, high blood pressure, obesity, depression
How To Stand Out in A Group Interview
Posted onGroup interviews can be nerve-racking, and as if an interview isn’t hard enough, now you are placed in a room with other job seekers, competing for the same position as you. Although this might seem like a tough situation, there are ways you can stand out from the crowd during a group interview and land that job you’re competing for.
Starting a Business While Working Full Time -The Pros
Posted onOften for Australian entrepreneurs, quitting their full-time jobs to start their dream business is not a viable option. While it is certainly challenging to work full time and simultaneously maintain a business, it certainly can be done – as many successful innovators and changemakers are showing us. For most of them, the aim is to have their business take off,
Tattoos in the Workplace – Still a Taboo?
Posted onWhile tattoos and body art are now somewhat commonplace in Australia, I am often asked about my thoughts on tattoos in the workplace, given I have a multitude of visible body art. Though reliable statistics on the topic are hard to come by, according to predictions, around 20% of the Australian public is now tattooed. With one in five people
How to Succeed in a Male-Dominated Industry
Posted onBeing a woman in a male-dominated field is challenging, but definitely not impossible. Yes, there are gender biases and office politics, but with motivation and confidence you can not only break into the field, but stay in it and succeed. In my experience, the biggest difficulty women face in the workplace is not being taken seriously. This happens more often
An Unconventional Business Woman
Posted onPaying for a mentor? STOP!
Posted onThe term mentoring is defined as the act of helping, advising and teaching a less experienced person, who is usually younger in age. Essentially, you are sharing your knowledge and experience with someone who will benefit from it. Whether formal or informal, mentoring requires giving your time in addition to your skills and expertise. Though the original meaning refers to
Corporate Make Up Tips
Posted onI seriously mulled over whether I should write this blog post, for a few reasons. Now, I am a big supporter of women in business and equality for women in the vastly male dominated corporate world, however I am by no means a ‘feminist’ or burn your bra type and believe that women, if they have the same skill as
Sex: The Most Underrated Exercise?
Posted onWhen people think of working out, they may think of exercises like jogging on the treadmill, lifting weights, or swimming. These exercises get the heart rate up and have many health benefits, but they aren’t the only way to get a good workout. Sex with a partner is another form of exercise that has many amazing health benefits as well,